Renato Ochoa
8 Maple court
Ryebrook, NY 10573
For this job we traveled to beautiful Ryebrook New York just outside of Connecticut to perform a house wash and paver cleaning. The house was a routine maintenance call, as usual all siding, trims, windows and fascia boards are washed. All of our chemicals are environmentally friendly and one hundred percent biodegradable so the landscape around the house is not harmed at all during our process. Only 65 psi is used during this cleaning so even the most delicate surfaces aren't at risk to damage.
As you can tell from the before and after pictures this job came out great. In just hours this house went from green to glowing again. As we were washing the house we sprayed this old patio that got away from the owner over time. We let the chemical dwell so it could breakdown the years of organic growth in between the pavers and also the tough top layer of dirt and grime on the pavers. We then use our state of the art equipment including a hot water pressure washer and surface cleaner to remove all moss, mold, mildew, dirt and grime. As you can see the results are night and day. The home owner was thrilled with the results and is now able to enjoy his patio again. We do recommend re sanding all of the joints with polymeric sand to prevent weeds and growth in between the pavers. The sand is brushed in the joints and then watered, when the sand dries it will be hard just like the grout in your shower. Final step is sealing. Now that your patio is brand new we spray and back roll a protective coating on your pavers to protect and keep them looking new.
Call Wash Rite SoftWashing for all of your Roof & Exterior Cleaning needs. 203-767-2134